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Adult Leader Resources

Announcement Slides

07/28/2024 – Sunday School Slides (all slides)

07/28/2024 – Announcement Slides (repeating slides) 

Genuine Care Course for Adult & 55+ Leaders

Click here to view the Genuine Care Course page.
*Under “choose a course” select Adult Genuine Care Course to listen to the audio recordings of the sessions for our Adult and 55+ Sunday School leaders.  Also on the Genuine Care Course page are links to many other resources to assist you as you show care to others.

A list of the “Help!” minibooks (55 titles) is available here.

Leadership Training for 2023-2024


Ingredients of a Healthy Church:  Making Ministry Match Biblical Convictions


Fall 2023:  August 27, September 24, October 29
Spring 2024:  January 28, February 25, April 28


Audio recordings and handouts from the Leadership Training sessions are available here.

Teacher Training for 2024


Teacher Training Dates for 2024 Lessons [flyer]
    1st Quarter 2024 (1-3 John):  November 26
    2nd Quarter 2024 (Ruth & Esther):  March 10
    3rd Quarter 2024 (Ephesians):  June 9
    4th Quarter 2024 (Ecclesiastes):  September 8
    1st Quarter 2025 (TBA):  December 1


Audio recordings and handouts from the Teacher Training sessions are available here.

Online form to submit the quarterly Teaching Rotation Schedule for your class:
    Teaching Rotation Schedule  |  2024 Q1 – 1-3 John [form is closed]
    Teaching Rotation Schedule  |  2024 Q2 – Ruth & Esther [form is closed]
    Teaching Rotation Schedule  |  2024 Q3 – Ephesians
    Teaching Rotation Schedule  |  2024 Q3 – Ecclesiastes [form not yet available]

2024 Lesson Schedule for the Sunday School lessons is available here.
     01/07/2024 – Sunday School Lesson
     06/30/2024 – Sunday School Lesson

Teacher Resource Guide to Bible study books and commentaries is available here.

Resource Links for Teachers

Curriculum Information and Helps

Knowing the Bible series books from Crossway

Knowing the Bible series online version from The Gospel Coalition

ESV Expository Commentary books from Crossway

ESV subscription to online commentaries

The Gospel Coalition Bible Commentary online

TGC Essays online

Crossway+ Information

Bible Talk podcast (Judges starts with Episode 71 on 01/18/2023)

Gear Talk podcast (A Month in Ruth series | December 2023 | 4 episodes)

Missions Prayer Guide

The 2024 Missions Prayer Guide is available here.

Sunday School Newsletter | Lesson Card | Bible Reading Plan | Devotional Books

Click here for the latest newsletter, the list of lessons for the current quarter, the Bible reading plan, and a list of suggested daily devotional books.

2023 Sunday School Class Christmas Fellowship Guide

Sunday School classes have the opportunity to host their Christmas fellowships on-campus on Friday, December 1 and Saturday December 2.

Submit your room request by completing this online form by Wednesday, September 6. [form has closed]

Submit your set-up request by completing this online form by Friday, October 20.

A detailed guide is available to view or download here.
*This guide provides detailed information about the steps to hosting an event on-campus as well as information about the set-up items that may be available.