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Three Benefits of Church Community You Can’t Afford to Miss

Church isn’t popular anymore. “I’m not a fan of organized religion.” “Jesus is cool, but Christians are too judgmental.” “I’m taking a break from church to work on myself.” “I love Jesus, but not the church.” Church attendance is declining, and even worse, Christians are skipping out too. In a culture where over half of those who identify as Christians aren’t participating in a local church, we have a serious problem. So what can we say? How can we convince those who claim the name of Christ to commit to being a part of a church? Even more, how can we convince those on the fringes of church life to fully enter church community? We’re going to have to do a lot better than offer self-centered generalizations like “It’s good for you” or “You might like it if you give it a shot.” These Christians...

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Ministering to the Wayward

Luke 15:20: “And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion and ran and embraced him and kissed him” One of the most difficult, most painful things you can experience is when someone you love has turned their back on God and has become wayward. The harsh reality is that most of us, if not all of us, have experienced this in some way or will experience it soon. We live in a culture that has completely turned its back on God. Thousands of people each year choose to forgo a relationship with God and live for the world. Unfortunately, our loved ones are not immune from this sad trend. The reality of this trend means that we should be thoughtful in how we minister to them. The Lord can use us to play a critical role in bringing...

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What Happened at First Baptist?

This week concludes our limited-run podcast called “What Happened at First Baptist.” It is a story about how a single congregation grew to become one of the largest and most influential churches in America, only to experience a cataclysmic decline that placed its very existence in doubt. For the past seven weeks, we’ve discussed how that same church endured a brutal and painful season of change and emerged from the transition stronger, more united, and more committed than ever to Jesus’ great commission. This is a story about the way ministry is changing in a new and harsher world painfully different than the one known by our parents and grandparents. It’s a story for pastors facing the daunting task of leading their churches through necessary but excruciating seasons of...

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Caring for Children and Teens in the Church

Jesus Cared for Kids We live in a culture where children are devalued, cast aside, and treated as burdens. The Bible teaches that the ancient world bears striking similarities to this modern mentality. In Mark 10, the disciples are trying to stop kids from seeing Jesus. Here was their logic: Jesus is important. Children are not important. Jesus needs to do important things and see important people. Therefore, we need to keep children away from Jesus. This logic gets turned upside down with Jesus’ words in verse 14, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them…”. Far from pushing kids to the side as unimportant, Jesus commands them to be brought near! Jesus cares about kids. Because of this, we, too, want to care for the kids and teens that are in our church. Here are three steps you...

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The Bible and the Age of the Earth

One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 20:1: “In the year that the commander in chief, who was sent by Sargon the King of Assyria, came to Ashdod and fought against it and captured it–” What? This is unlike John 3:16 or Romans 8:28. Why would it be one of my favorite verses? Until 1843, Christians were mocked for believing that there was once a ruler in Assyria named Sargon, but then his palace was uncovered, and you can now visit museums to see the evidence. Time has repeatedly shown that it’s never wise to question the historicity of God’s Word. I love the Scriptures, and this verse is one of my favorites because it represents a story that shows the accuracy of the Bible. Archeologist Aren Maeier of Bar Ilan University stated it bluntly, “You can’t do archeology in Israel without the...

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The Enneagram

A fascinating topic on Marked by Grace this week. We’re talking about the Enneagram. The Enneagram is a really popular personality test right now. And if it is news to you, you need to know that it is a personality test. It is a personality test that tells you which of nine different personality types you are. That’s where the language of Enneagram comes from. “Ennea” means nine. “Gram” means a written form or a diagram. There are nine different personality tests on this diagram that consist of a circle with a design in the middle of it that creates nine points around the circle. And when you take the various different personality tests, it’ll tell you which of the nine types you are. Whether a reformer, or helper, an enthusiast, or a peacemaker. There are all different...

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Caring for the Dying

How many times have you heard this statement: “Well, heaven has gotten a new angel today?” I’ve heard that so many times in my ministry life following the death of a loved one. But this is not a truthful statement. God has created the angels as heavenly beings, and He did that so they worship Him and protect us from the Evil One. He uses them as messengers, and they are fearsome in appearance (Luke 2:9-10). We should certainly agree with the Apostle Paul in Philippians 1:21 that when our loved ones depart this life for their eternal one, this is to be our belief– “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Why do we say things like this in the event of a loved one’s passing? We say things that can be unbiblical because we are not comfortable and don’t really know what to say. I...

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Should Christians Carry Concealed Weapons?

Should Christians carry concealed weapons? That is the fascinating question that comes in this week. It is the very, very interesting and incredibly relevant question that comes in this week. And it comes in with another question. The question isn’t just should Christians carry concealed weapons? There’s another question right after it. And it is this, aren’t we supposed to turn the other cheek? So there’s a little bit of suspicion in the question about carrying concealed weapons because there is an assumption that if we’re doing what Jesus says and turning the other cheek, then it seems like carrying concealed weapons, we’re not doing that. So first, before we answer the question directly, let’s talk about this issue of turning the other cheek since...

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Would God Ever Change the Past?

We have a remarkable question on the podcast this week. It is a unique question. To be honest with you, a lot of the questions that I answer on the podcast each week are things I’ve heard before, maybe for years, things I’ve answered in other contexts. I have never been asked this question before. And it was really a thinker for me. I am happy to talk with you about it this week. And the question is, would God ever change the past? You start thinking about what we learn about this from the perspective of Scripture, and there are just so many passages that started springing to mind and thinking about how we would frame an answer to this, and I just realized I don’t have time to talk about everything that comes up in the text that is relevant for answering this question....

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When Conflict Comes to Church: How to be a Church Member Who Makes Peace

When Conflict Comes to Church The local church is an amazing place. There is nothing like it in the entire world. The church is a spiritual family adopted by God, purchased by Jesus, and united by Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:4-7). The church is a spiritual greenhouse where Christians are discipled into maturity and engage in mutual care. Because all these things are true, conflict in the church can be particularly disorienting and damaging. As Christians, we are called to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). If you want to obey this commandment, you must know how to help resolve conflict in the church. Here are three steps you can take to help those who are in conflict at church. Step 1: Address their Heart If you want to solve a problem, you...

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