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Author: Sean Perron

The One Devotional Book You Should Read in 2025

Every year, we recommend daily devotionals to accompany your Bible reading. This year, instead of suggesting several options, we’ve selected one devotional for 2025. We are encouraging our entire church to use In the Lord I Take Refuge by Dane Ortlund. This devotional walks through the entire book of Psalms, showing how each Psalm is relevant to the Christian life. The chapters are short and easily digestible, making them manageable even on busy days. It is designed for 150 days and includes the full ESV text of each Psalm. If you choose to read the Psalm one day and the commentary the next, the devotional can nearly last the entire year (not counting Sundays). We have selected this book for the following reasons: The chapter lengths are achievable, even on busy days. The commentary consistently...

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Book Release: A Call to Clarity

The contemporary biblical counseling movement is facing days of significant challenges. Many voices with confused misunderstandings of biblical truth are seeking to redefine biblical counseling. They are attempting to blur the clear lines between approaches to counseling care that are uniquely biblical and those that are fundamentally secular. Nothing less than the faithfulness of the biblical counseling movement is at stake. In these confusing days, the authors in this volume believe it is time to be clear about what is going on and what is at stake. A Call to Clarity evaluates the arguments of The New Integrationists, reaffirms key theological doctrines undergirding all faithful counseling, and calls all counselors to a vision of counseling care founded on the sufficiency of God’s...

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Glow Camp VBS Photos

Both the downtown campus and Nocatee had exciting weeks of Glow Camp. Over 700 kids and students came together to hear God’s Word and learn to win the ultimate race. Jesus Christ has saved us through his life, death, and resurrection, and he enables us to grow into spiritual maturity. We want our kids never to give up and to serve the Lord with all their hearts! “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it” 1 Corinthians 9:24. The music for Glow Camp was produced “in-house” and is available to you and your family for free. You can listen to all the songs in the FBCJAX App. We already have the theme selected for next year, but we can’t announce it this soon! We look forward to all that God is going to do through...

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Summer of Sufficiency

It is our mission to reach all of Jacksonville with all of Jesus for all of life. How much does Scripture address the issues related to “all of life”? All the wisdom we need for all of life can be found in Jesus Christ. All the wisdom needed for the Christian life is found in Jesus Christ alone, and it is him, his gospel, and his Word that we proclaim. Consider Colossians 1:28, which shows how the Christian has “all” wisdom in Christ. “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28). This wisdom in Christ is sufficient to present everyone mature. This means that if there is an issue of sanctification, the Christian has all the wisdom necessary for it. We have released a series of four video essays on...

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Mislabeling Counseling and the Great Commission

Introduction: The Problem of Processed Food This week, I walked into a local grocery store and saw a brochure on the stand next to the sliding doors. The brochure had three medals on the front and one in the middle engraved with “USDA ORGANIC.” The flyer read, “You can feel better about buying… we don’t take these designations lightly.” This grocery store wants to put its customers at ease by using a trustworthy stamp of approval. The food they are selling is real, healthy food – authentically organic. There has been a massive shift in the food industry. Nearly every other week, there is a news headline warning consumers. I’ve seen warnings just this year concerning everything from pre-made lunch boxes to certain kinds of baby food. Yesterday, I found my favorite juice drink from childhood....

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Who Will You Believe About Spanking?

In recent years, corporal punishment has received a resounding rejection from most Americans. The “Gentle Parenting” movement has erupted in reaction to wrongful uses of spanking, and it has caused many to forsake spanking altogether. Large organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations have released statements condemning “any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort, however light.” The American Psychological Association (APA) has stated that “Physical discipline is harmful and ineffective” and “a new APA resolution cites evidence that physical punishment can cause lasting harm for children.” The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a statement citing “new evidence” which “suggests that it...

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Resurrection and the Cure for Mental Health

These appear to be the darkest of times. It is no secret that we have a mental health crisis. Week after week, we are confronted with the stories of devastation. The headlines sometimes don’t hit home, but they don’t have to. We know personal stories. We know our friends who are despairing of life itself. We see families pierced with the pains of anxiety, eating disorders, attempted suicides, and unstable emotions. Real people made in God’s image who are harming themselves and harming others. This is a darkness that can be felt across our country. In her book, Bad Therapy: Why the Kids aren’t Growing Up, Abigail Shrier acknowledges the widespread problem. She notes that “forty-two percent of the rising generation currently has a mental health diagnosis” (17). That is astonishing. The number...

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Practical Help for Anger

The Bible isn’t relevant for life if the Bible isn’t practical. Our theology must be practical or else it will be irrelevant. This is because we obey or disobey God in specific ways. Our idolatries are not vague. Our sins are not general. When we are fearful, we think fearful thoughts in our mind. When we are sinfully depressed, we neglect real responsibilities. When we act in anger, we do things with our tongues and our hands. Thankfully, the Bible offers practical ways to overcome our sin and change us in concrete ways. The practical nature of the Scriptures for counseling can be seen in three verses in the New Testament. Romans 12:19-21 is just one example that gives us insight into the powerful and tangible ways the Bible can be used in counseling. Verse 19: Beloved, never avenge yourselves,...

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Children’s Bibles

The new year is a time when Christians think about Bible reading plans (First Baptist Church Bible Reading Plan) and are often looking to purchase a new Bible as they set goals for the next 365 days. There are tons of great options for adults, but there are also many delightful options available for kids. I am often asked by parents of younger children which Bibles I would recommend. Children’s Bibles are typically collections of biblical stories retold in age-appropriate ways that are accompanied by pictures. Not all children’s Bibles are created equal, and some are better than others. The authors of children’s Bibles do pick and choose which biblical stories to re-tell, and they even select which details of those stories to highlight or neglect. The artwork itself interprets the...

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Yearlong Devotionals for 2024

Christmas is a wonderful time to reflect on God’s redeeming love. Daily Advent devotional readings are designed to increase our meditation of Scripture. Each year, we recommend a new Advent devotional, and this year, we are commending The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: Daily Devotions for Advent by Sinclair Ferguson. You can purchase your copy at First Coffee. There is a long history of Christians reading daily devotionals alongside their time in the Scripture, and in 2024, we want to encourage you to join this rich history! Devotional books are not meant to replace reading the Bible but are designed to spur us on in the Christian life. They cause us to slow down, ponder a particular aspect of Scripture, and worship God with all our hearts. The Holy Spirit can use a daily devotional book...

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