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First Thoughts

Yearlong Devotionals for 2024

Christmas is a wonderful time to reflect on God’s redeeming love. Daily Advent devotional readings are designed to increase our meditation of Scripture. Each year, we recommend a new Advent devotional, and this year, we are commending The Dawn of Redeeming Grace: Daily Devotions for Advent by Sinclair Ferguson. You can purchase your copy at First Coffee.

There is a long history of Christians reading daily devotionals alongside their time in the Scripture, and in 2024, we want to encourage you to join this rich history!

Devotional books are not meant to replace reading the Bible but are designed to spur us on in the Christian life. They cause us to slow down, ponder a particular aspect of Scripture, and worship God with all our hearts. The Holy Spirit can use a daily devotional book to bring about fresh love for God in your life.

Here are six hand-picked yearlong devotionals for you to enjoy as you spend time with God. It is our prayer that they help you grow in your knowledge of God’s word and deepen your love for Christ. Select one and embark on a life-changing journey. These books are also great Christmas gifts!

Take Heart: Daily Devotions to Deepen Your Faith by David Powlison

David Powlison was a friend and mentor of Pastor Heath. He was a brilliant writer and thought deeply about how the Bible impacts the Christian’s daily life.

Morning and Evening by Charles Spurgeon

In the 1860s, the famous Baptist preacher Charles Spurgeon wrote two devotionals. One devotional was to be read in the morning and the other in the evening. This classic work has both devotionals for you to meditate upon God’s word day and night.

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul David Tripp

Paul David Tripp has written a best-selling devotional focusing on how the gospel changes and transforms our lives. This is a great book to give to a new believer or someone seeking to understand the Christian faith.

Truth for Life by Alistair Begg

This new devotional reflects on one short text of Scripture each day. It is unique in that it challenges the reader to daily apply the Bible to the head, the heart, and the hands. It is recommended by the hymn writers, the Gettys.

Reading Between the Lines (Volume 1 & Volume 2) by Glen Scrivner

This devotional is a two-volume set, with each book covering 150 days. Volume 1 walks through various key passages in the Old Testament, and Volume 2 elaborates on familiar texts in the New Testament. Scrivener is a minister in the United Kingdom, and this work is a thought-provoking journey that is meant to be read alongside a Bible reading plan.

I would encourage you to try out Volume 2 as a helpful companion to accompany reading the New Testament this year.

Sean Perron (Ph.D. in Applied Theology from Midwestern Seminary and M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as the Associate Pastor.  He is the co-author of three books: Letters to a Romantic: On DatingLetters to a Romantic: On Marriage, and Letters to a Romantic: The First Years. 

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