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What Is a Stumbling Block?

I am really excited to answer this week’s question on Marked by Grace; it’s a really important, truly relevant question for all of us. And the question is, what is a stumbling block? I love the way the question has been phrased. To me, it’s what is a stumbling block, really? What is it really? This person is suspicious of what they’ve been told about a stumbling block in the past. And they are asking me to really level with them and tell them what a stumbling block is. And so I’m going to really level with you this week and truly, really, honestly tell you what a stumbling block is. One of the reasons it’s a great question because a lot of people talk about being a stumbling block, and when I hear them talk about it, I don’t think they fully understand...

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Caring for the Sorrowful

Puddleglum is one of the most interesting characters in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia. He’s always jolly and always looking for the opportunity to cheer up anyone who might be sad. But there’s only one problem. The more he attempts to encourage his sorrowful friends, the more he ends up making them feel even worse! Puddleglum tries to use his words to spread glee, but instead, all he does is spread gloom. As Christians, we cannot be like Puddleglum. We must care well for those in the throes of sorrow. But how? It starts by learning what we need most amid our sorrow. Matthew 9:36 helps us with this: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” This crowd is a sorrowful bunch. They are “harassed and helpless.”...

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Caring for the Sick

In a world of hate, it is a joy to minister to brothers and sisters with compassion! Twenty-eight years ago, when God relocated our family to Jacksonville, we found First Baptist church to be a wonderful family of faith. People lived out in their lives what they believed as they loved God and loved each other while faithfully serving Him. The Covid lockdowns brought so much turmoil and despair to our world. It seems like we found ourselves in a downward spiral rather than one moving up.  Many families were isolated from others. There were impacts on our schedules and work habits. There was a strong uptick in crimes like drug and alcohol abuse, depression, child and spousal abuse, and suicide. The hospitals, nursing homes, and funeral homes were closed to people visiting and connecting. James...

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What to Do with an Accusation of Sexual Sin

A very important question this week on the podcast is about what to do with an accusation of sexual sin. The context of the question is that this is an accusation of sexual sin on the part of a minister of the gospel. So not just somebody else. In the context of the question, we’re also not talking about abuse. So if we were talking about abuse, something illegal, we would say more and different things that I’m going to say this week. But this is a very specific question, not about abuse. What do we do with an accusation of sexual sin on the part of a minister? We need to be honest that this is very serious. It’s very serious because it’s very clear in places like 1 Timothy 3:2 and Titus 1, it’s very clear that a pastor is supposed to be above reproach. He’s...

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Can God Make a Rock Too Heavy to Lift?

In the book of Job, the man Job learned some hard lessons about the sovereignty of God. After suffering in unbelievable ways in the early chapters, he then engages for chapters and chapters and chapters of debate with his bad counselors. And finally, the Lord kind of descends, and he takes Job and his counselors to school about who he is and the power that he has. And Job demonstrates that he learned his lessons. Well, in Job 42:2, the Bible says, “I know that you can do all things and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” I know you can do all things. This is a teaching in Scripture that faithful Christians drink in. And we know, and we believe, in fact, even for people who aren’t Christians, if you have any kind of belief in God, the only God worth believing in is a God who...

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Camp Thrive Recap

Last week, we had the privilege of taking 220 students and over 100 adults to Lake Placid, Florida for our annual student camp. It was a remarkable week of fun, fellowship, and tremendous spiritual growth. Our theme for the week was Thrive from Jeremiah 17:5-8. This passage describes two plants that are in a parched, dry land. The first plant is a shrub that is wilting away and bears no fruit. This is the person who trusts in man. The second plant is a tree that has deep roots, bears much fruit, and does not fear when the drought comes. This is the person who trusts in the Lord. We want our students to be like the tree, bearing much fruit for the rest of their lives. Despite what the world throws at our students, we want to see them bear fruit forever. Our students learned in the evening...

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Why Study World Religions and Cults?

Shouldn’t Christians just focus on studying the Bible and the truths of Christianity? Why should Christians worry about what other religions and cults believe? Here are three reasons why Christians should examine the claims of other faiths. To Grow in Understanding the Claims of Our Faith Contrast is a great revealer of truth in lots of areas of life. This is especially true when it comes to the truths of our faith. One of the ways to understand the true claims of Christianity is to contrast them with the false claims of other religions and other faiths. Paul does this in the book of Galatians. He is writing to the Galatians to teach them about the true gospel over against a false gospel, what he calls “another gospel” (Galatians 1:6). We see him doing this especially in Galatians 2:16:...

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What Does It Mean to Be Judgmental?

There is no unChristian in the world who needs to be told that Matthew 7:1 is in the Bible. It says, “Judge not that you be not judged.” That is the proof text for the repeated command from guilty people. Don’t you judge me? How dare you judge me? You don’t have any right to judge me. Don’t judge me. We all know that there is a command in the Bible not to judge. I don’t think as many people know that there are also commands in the Bible to judge. in John 12:57, Jesus says, “Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?” These are two verses. Listen, I’m telling you, I could fill up many, many, many podcasts with all sorts of Bible passages that talk about a right kind of judgment and all sorts of Bible passages that talk about a wrong kind of judgment....

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Why Talk about What Happened at First Baptist?

The Hard Years The years of 2018-2021 were difficult years of transition at First Baptist. Those years were painful for everyone at our church. I call them The Hard Years. In God’s great kindness, those years are now over, and our church is in a remarkable season of growth, health, and happiness. In August, I’ll release a podcast called What Happened at First Baptist. That podcast tells the story of the challenges our church confronted during the hard years and all the good things God did to restore a dying church. Hard stories are difficult to share, particularly when the story is yours. Why in the world would I talk about a season of difficulty now that happy days are here again? There is a very good reason why I want to tell this story and why I want to tell it now. But before I explain...

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Should Pastors Meet Alone with Women?

This week on the podcast, we’re going to tackle a topic that just comes up perennially. This is just one of those things that we always have to deal with in ministry. And it’s the question of should pastors meet alone with women? Now, I want to say right at the very beginning, as you start this podcast, this is not just a podcast for pastors. On Marked by Grace, where I’m trying to talk to all sorts of Christians, all sorts of regular normal Christians who are trying to live their life by faith in Jesus Christ in a way that is informed and empowered by grace. I’m not just talking to pastors on this episode. In fact, everybody, every Christian, every church member has a stake in the answer to this question that is for pastors, pastors, what should you do? There are...

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