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The Bible and Your Relationships

What is a real friend? If you Google that question, you will find several common answers: They listen. They are loyal. They are accepting. They are supportive. They are interested in similar things. They stick with you. They want what’s best. These lists all contain nice traits that have their place, but they all neglect the most important ingredient in relationships – the foundation, the root that produces the fruit of fellowship: The Bible. Are your relationships orbiting around the Bible? If they aren’t, you are missing out on one of the most important ingredients in the types of relationships that glorify God and bind people together for decades. Why do you need the Bible in relationships? Because You Need Friends Who Watch You Do you remember the first days of quarantine during...

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What Is the Asbury Revival?

This week on the podcast, I am going to do what I had told myself I would not do, and that is talk about the Asbury revival. I didn’t want to talk about the Asbury revival because everybody is talking about the Asbury revival. I didn’t want to talk about it because I think hot takes on these kinds of things too soon are unhelpful. I didn’t want to talk about the Asbury revival because I haven’t been to the Asbury revival. So I don’t have any firsthand information about it, so I wasn’t going to talk about it. But then what happened is, you started asking about it, you started asking what I thought, you started asking if I would do a Marked by Grace on this. This situation only works if, if I’m responsive to you, if there are things you want to talk...

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This Is Not the Way: Sexual Abuse, Guidepost, and The Future of the Southern Baptist Convention

A Personal Issue Decades ago, I survived childhood abuse. I have been open about this. Today, I pastor the remarkable First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, FL. That delightful congregation is full of the most wonderful men, women, and children I have ever met. When I think of those precious people, I would rather die—die—than have any of them endure anything approaching my experience of abuse. That makes abuse a deeply personal issue for me. I have been horrified by every report of abuse that has happened in any church by every religious leader. It is the embodiment of utter wickedness. I am fully committed to creating an environment in my church—and in the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention—where it is impossible to abuse a single person. Guidepost and the Southern Baptist Convention I...

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Why Aren’t the Apocryphal Books in the Bible?

I received a very specific request this week to answer why the books of the Apocrypha are excluded from the Bible. I’m very excited about answering this question. If you’re familiar with the Roman Catholic Bible, or books of the Bible and, say, the Greek Orthodox Bible, you might realize that there are more books in those Bibles than there are in your copy of the Scripture if you are a Protestant. Those extra books (there are many, and the list isn’t all the same) but those extra books are called the Apocrypha. So I want to answer that question in order for me to answer it in a way that’s going to be most helpful. There are three concepts that we need to understand. The first thing you need to understand is the doctrine of inspiration. The doctrine of inspiration...

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Creation, Evolution and the Age of the Earth

Every week at First Baptist we are teaching Midweek courses that are designed to strengthen your faith. We want to grow deep in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus. The courses we offer are approximately nine weeks and focus on a particular theological, ethical, or practical issue in the Christian life. We are a little more than halfway through a course on Creation, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth that is being taught by me and Dr. Ernie Baker. We believe this class is important because it will address many of the issues that people are facing on a regular basis in school, at work, and even in normal activities such as movies or streaming shows. The culture is continually attacking the authority and truthfulness of Scripture and we want the next generation to be prepared to answer...

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How Far Is Too Far?

It is the week of Valentine’s Day, a wonderful time for celebrating romantic love. This week there are going to be a lot of romantic celebrations with a lot of people all over the world. And listen, a lot of those celebrations, we just need to be honest, are going to be physical. There are going to be physical, romantic celebrations that are going to happen, and that is a good thing. That should take place. But here’s the other thing. And this is also something we need to be honest about. A lot of those celebrations are going to be physical, and they should not be. That is to say, when you believe in the Bible, you believe that romantic physical affection is appropriate in some contexts and not in other contexts. One question that one of you wrote in is the question how far is...

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Cultivating Affection in Your Marriage

I am not a gardener, and the only thing that I seem to be able to grow in my yard consistently is weeds. Part of my problem is that I do not take the time to prepare the soil so that plants have a chance of growing. Behind every beautiful garden are hours of hard work. Beautiful gardens do not just happen, they are made to happen. We can say the same thing about marriage. Movies and books lead us to believe that affection and romance just spontaneously erupt between two people who will then live happily ever after in a constant state of marital bliss. However, reality tells a different story. Behind every good marriage are years of faithful effort that produces the sweetness of affection. Good marriages do not just happen, they are made to happen. In the early days of a relationship, affection...

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Questions and Answers Regarding the Sexuality Statement

Since First Baptist approved the statement on biblical sexuality, we have received many questions about what the Bible teaches concerning sexuality and marriage. In response to this, we have put together numerous videos and a resource webpage. On this page, you will find resources on LGBTQ+ issues, the Sexuality Statement, and biblical wisdom for living in a world confused about gender and sexuality. Below are several video clips for you to watch and share with family and friends who have questions.   Is First Baptist Church Jacksonville Targeting the LGBTQ+ Community?   What is the Truth About First Baptist Church Jacksonville and the Sexuality Statement?   Is First Baptist Church Jacksonville Judgmental?   Is First Baptist Church Jacksonville Discriminating?   Who...

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Common Myths About Our Sexuality Statement

We’re talking this week about the First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality. And if you’re listening to this, you probably have heard the explosion of media coverage that has come with the statement, the release of the First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality out to the media. This is not, in any sense, news. The Church of Jesus Christ has believed what is articulated in our statement for over 2000 years; our church has believed what’s articulated in that statement for 184 years. In fact, our church passed the statement last fall. So in every sense, this is not news. And yet, when the media got a hold of it, it was making a massive splash. One of the amazing things about that splash is how mischaracterized the statement has become. And so what I want to do this...

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Four Kinds of LGBTQ+ Churches

Mitigating the Shock Since the media began publicizing the First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality, one of the most common reactions we have received is shock. Some have expressed shock that a Christian church would describe any biblical limits on sexual expression. Others are shocked that, believing such limits exist, we would say so. A response of shock comes to someone caught off guard. Likewise, shock at our statement comes from people who do not really understand what is going on regarding the church’s interaction with issues of sexuality. Every church out there has a position regarding LGBTQ+ issues. I want to make clear what the positions of those churches are in an effort to minimize the sense of shock that many feel. Every church out there fits into one of our options available. Open...

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