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The Gospel as the Supreme Example of Love and Care

It has been said that every good story borrows from the gospel. If you have ever found yourself in tears at the close of a book or witnessed an eruption of applause in a movie theater, you have tasted gospel seasoning in the drama. The self-sacrificing hero, victory from the clutches of defeat, or the sudden reappearance of a character thought to be dead all borrow their glory from the greatest story ever told. These tales are often woven around central characters who give of themselves for the good of others. Mr. Darcy, Frodo Baggins, Atticus Finch, and Penny Baxter are endearing precisely because they look a little something like Jesus. But nothing compares to the real thing. Our favorite stories only are pencil sketches of the gospel diamond. The true gem glints and glitters with the...

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Why Church Membership?

One of the things that I try to do on the podcast every week is answer your questions. But that’s not what I’m going to do this week. This week, I’m going to give an answer to a question that nobody asks. Nobody has asked it. I’m not aware that anybody has ever asked me about it. But I want to give an answer to it because I wish more people did ask me about it. I want to talk about church membership. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about membership in the local church. It occurs to me that that is a foreign concept to almost everybody. For unbelievers out there, if you’re a person who’s lost, and you’re not a Christian, and maybe you’ve visited church but you don’t think about church very often. I think most of those people out...

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Fighting and The Soul of Southern Baptists

Why Southern Baptists Fight Southern Baptists don’t like to fight. That might sound surprising if you think they fight a lot. But it’s true. Fights only happen in the SBC when convention leaders forget who Southern Baptists are. Southern Baptists are a group of theologically conservative churches cooperating together to announce to the world that Jesus Christ is the only Savior from sin. The brilliance of the SBC is that churches of all sizes and in all locations understand we can do more together than we ever could alone. They trust each other to contribute hundreds of millions of dollars each year to the Great Commission. That trust has made them the largest mission-sending entity in world history. If leaders would remember that, we would never have any fights. Certainly not any big ones. But...

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Increasing in Love and Care

There is something spectacular about sitting outside on a brisk, dark evening and staring at a fire. I’m not sure what it is about fire that is so amazing, but many of my favorite memories involve late-night conversations and s’mores around the fire pit in my backyard. If the experience of sitting around a fire is spectacular, the way fire is produced is shocking, almost miraculous. Fire comes when three elements are combined: oxygen, heat, and fuel– you probably remember this from your middle school science class. The combination of these commonplace things produces something amazing. Love and care in relationships are similar. It is a spectacular thing when God fills our hearts with ever-increasing love. In order for this to happen, we need God to work a few commonplace things in our hearts...

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How Much Netflix Is Too Much?

I love to answer the questions that you send in to be answered on the podcast. This week, we got a really great question. The question basically is, how much Netflix is too much? This is a question that comes from somebody who is concerned about how much streaming stuff they are consuming. They might even be getting some questions about some people they’re responsible for about how much of this should we be watching. It could be Netflix; it could be Hulu, it could be Prime, it could be Disney+, it could be your screen time in general, YouTube, and all of those things. But whatever it is, how much Netflix is too much? Let me start my answer to this question by saying that recreation is a really good thing. Rest is a really good thing. We see this embedded right in the fabric of creation...

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Heroic Love

They get to the core of us, evoking tears of admiration, shouts of praise, or swelling pride that grips the heart and takes us to the very center of being human. Few among us have not been moved to tears when hearing Tom Hank’s character, Captain John Miller, say to Private James Ryan with his last breath…“earn this,” or hearing Rocky Balboa cry out from the boxing ring, “Adrian, yo, Adrian, I did it!”; or hearing Samwise Gamgee say to Frodo Baggins “I can’t carry it (the ring) for you, but I can carry you,” then lifts Frodo onto his shoulders and proceeds to carry him up Mount Doom. These, and a thousand other heroic acts of love (fictional or real), greatly inspire us. Why do they? What about them affects us so? Jesus gives some insight. He said, “Greater love has no one than this,...

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Are Women Required to Wear Head Coverings in Church?

Are women required to wear head coverings in church? That is an issue that has come up here lately, with some questions being asked about it. I want to talk about it this week on the podcast. I’ll just explain to you very quickly that I think the answer to that is yes. Are women required to wear head coverings in church? My answer to that is yes. It is a command that shows up in the book of 1 Corinthians, and because it is apparently to some such an obscure issue. And because my answer might make it sound even more strange, I want to be clear that everyone knows there are some things in the Bible, some commands that the Bible makes, that we are not required to obey. That might even sound strange, but it is true. There are some things the Bible commands that we are no longer required...

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This Won’t End Well: Where The SBC Is Headed with The Guidepost Recommendation

An Impossible Decision I was still in first grade when I mastered the art of recognizing an impossible decision. Way back then, long before my mom became a Christian late in her life, she was a drunk and violently abusive. On one occasion, she tossed me through a glass coffee table, leaving the table smashed and my face and arms covered with cuts. When I showed up at school, some anonymous teacher did what my teachers always did and called social services. I don’t remember all the social workers that we met when I was a kid, but I do remember the one who came by after my mom threw me through the table. She got me alone and asked me all sorts of questions, including what had happened to my face. I told her the truth. Then she went and talked to my mom. I couldn’t hear their conversation,...

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When Is It Okay to Miss Church?

I received a great question this week from a very faithful Christian who wants to know, when is it okay to miss church? This question comes from a deep place of conviction. This person loves Jesus, they love the Bible, they love their church. And they wonder when it’s okay to miss church, not as an excuse to miss church, but they’re wondering, hey, is it ever okay for me to miss? They’ve got a heavy conscience about this. I want to try to think about this this week on the podcast. Let’s be honest here; you are going to miss church. Everybody misses church, sooner or later. Nobody has 100% attendance. There are all sorts of reasons why you’re just going to miss church. Illness, you’re going to get sick, you’re going to be hospitalized. I mean, goodness...

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The Bible and Your Relationships

What is a real friend? If you Google that question, you will find several common answers: They listen. They are loyal. They are accepting. They are supportive. They are interested in similar things. They stick with you. They want what’s best. These lists all contain nice traits that have their place, but they all neglect the most important ingredient in relationships – the foundation, the root that produces the fruit of fellowship: The Bible. Are your relationships orbiting around the Bible? If they aren’t, you are missing out on one of the most important ingredients in the types of relationships that glorify God and bind people together for decades. Why do you need the Bible in relationships? Because You Need Friends Who Watch You Do you remember the first days of quarantine during...

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