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First Thoughts

| Austin Collins |
It was 2 a.m. Friday night. I had just flown in from a seminar out of town. I was eager to see my wife and talk with her. As I quietly crept into the house, I found her sitting up in bed, waiting for me, half asleep from the sheer exhaustion of caring for our three young kids without me for a week. “What’s this?” I said as I saw the little blue tip of a pregnancy test sticking out of her nightstand drawer. “Oh no!” she said, suddenly roused from her daze, “You weren’t supposed to see that! I …
| Heath Lambert |
When Gospel Ministry Makes a Mess . . . I am writing to encourage ministers of the gospel who feel overwhelmed. I want to do that by thinking about the ministry of the Apostle Paul. Paul had one of the most effective ministries in human history, but his reputation in the city of Ephesus was complete trash. As Paul preached the Word of God, he received numerous unpleasant responses. For starters, he developed a determined enemy named Demetrius, who was committed to opposing his work (Acts 19:…
| Heath Lambert |
The 2024 election is over. After years of campaigning, two assassination attempts, a change at the top of the Democrat party ticket, endless fact-checking, countless polls, and spending almost $16 Billion, Americans finally made their choice. That choice was to remove political power from the Biden-Harris administration and to return it to former president Donald Trump. That decision will create joy for some, and despair for others. Here are five ways every Christian can respond regardless of…
| Ryan Trzeciak |
Being a Christian means being a warrior. Living the Christian life means constantly living with a wartime mentality. Paul uses the image of a soldier to describe the life of a believer in 2 Timothy 2:3-4, and he calls the Soldier-Christian to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand firm against the schemes of the devil in these evil days (Ephesians 6:10-17). But what is this battle? Where is the war that Christians face? One of the battles that Christians must face is the one within. …
| Heath Lambert |
Voting and Christian Morality One week away from an election of tremendous consequence, Christians face three logical options. First, they could vote for Kamala Harris. Some Christian leaders have encouraged this, with one stating in a now-deleted post, “Never Trump. This time Harris. Always Jesus.” Most Christians are unlikely to follow this advice, but some will. Second, they could disengage from the political process in some way. A number of ways exist to do this, which include abstaining …
| Richard Lucas |
On October 31, much of our modern American culture will be focused on costumes and candy. The history and celebration of Halloween is complicated and controversial, but for Christians, especially Protestants (of which Baptists are included), we have something much more significant to celebrate every year on October 31. That date commemorates the start of the Protestant Reformation when, in 1517, Martin Luther, a German monk and theologian, posted his famous 95 Theses on the door of the Castle…
| Heath Lambert |
Communication Quarrels Christians fight about everything these days. Christian parents argue about how to raise the kids and spend money. Church members bicker about how to vote in the presidential election. Denominational leaders fight about the best way to pursue abuse reform. Even biblical counselors debate which practitioners are most infected with worldly thinking. All communication has at least two sides: the speaker and the listener. My words here are about the responsibility we all ha…
| Heath Lambert |
Last week, thousands of biblical counselors gathered in Fort Worth, Texas, for the annual meeting of the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). I was honored to be a speaker for this event, and First Counseling, the counseling ministry of First Baptist Church, hosted a booth in the exhibitor hall. Representatives from First Baptist gave away anti-zombie stickers to anyone who visited the booth. We gave away many hundreds of these stickers which were a tremendous hit. When I ret…
| Austin Collins |
Introduction Beginning in September of 1887, Charles Spurgeon, pastor of Metropolitan Tabernacle in London, published a series of articles in his monthly magazine, The Sword and the Trowel, concerning the infiltration of liberal theology into the doctrine and practice of contemporary Baptist ministers with whom he had previously partnered.[1] Amid a growing influence of secularization in the church, Spurgeon saw the writing on the wa…
| Heath Lambert |
[Heath Lambert recently edited a collection of biblical counseling essays that will be released in October as A Call to Clarity. This article is an adapted version of his introduction to that book.] Wishing Wells and the Word of God One of the most famous and funny accounts from the lore of the Lambert Family involved a debate over the existence of a wishing well. The conflict began when my daughter was just old enough to speak in choppy sentences. She insisted that there was a wishing well b…

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