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Trusting God in the Wake of Health Issues

Over the past few years, God has sought ways to get my attention. I am one who seeks to be always positive and congenial, always seeking to find the best in the situation with which I am faced. Over the last ten years, we as a church have sought to provide Biblical counsel to those we shepherd, along with intense discipleship for those who present themselves to us from other churches. During these years, I have been challenged to look within my heart to see what I can decipher as the “heart themes” that I deal with concerning desires, emotions, wants, drives, and, ultimately, idols. I have discovered in those teachable moments that control is the overarching heart theme that God desires to change in me so that I can trust him more fully. I have discovered that I really do not want to have...

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How Should Christians Think About Polygamy in the Bible?

One of the things that I love to do every week on the podcast is to answer your questions and address your concerns. I just recently heard from a person who was concerned and wanted to ask about the issue of polygamy. This wasn’t a very general concern about polygamy. It was a very specific concern about polygamy. It came from a woman who is very happily married, and she said that it is a struggle for her to believe the Bible. She struggles to believe the Bible because of all of the portrayals of polygamy in the Bible. She mentioned, in particular, somebody like Abraham, who had multiple wives. There are, of course, other examples. The question is, when these immoral men when these immoral people are multiplying their wives, how is it that I can trust a religion? How is it that I can...

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Who is a Child of God?

A few weeks ago, I was communicating a message from our church, and in the context of that communication, I shared a side comment to anybody in the LGBTQ+ community. The LGBTQ+ community and members of the sexual revolution have, in so many ways, declared war on Christians and any viewpoint that is traditional that might disagree with their perspective on sexuality. I was making the point that though members of the sexual revolution may have declared war on Christians, Christians, certainly not the ones at First Baptist, have not declared war on them in the context of communicating a message of care and love and out of a desire to appeal to them to turn from their sins and trust in Jesus. I said something like the fact that they were beloved and precious children of God. That message led...

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Hope and Healing After Divorce

Psalm 137—God Heals the Brokenhearted Divorce is one of the most heart-wrenching difficulties that life can throw your way. Dreams are smashed. Families are divided. Homes are sold, and children wonder if they are the cause. Money becomes tight, and bitterness grows. I know precious people who have not seen their own children for years and grandparents whose hearts ache to be with grandchildren they are not allowed to see. In the last few years, this reality has been experienced by many as the extra pressure of a pandemic revealed the weaknesses already present in relationships. Does God Care About Me? Does God care about this pain, or are the promises of Scripture only related to gospel truths that happened in the past while we painfully wait for their fulfillment?  Are we all on our own...

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The Hateful Hypocrisy of Militant LGBTQ Activism

Christians Really Do Believe the Bible Let me tell you about the hornets’ nest I kicked over this week. This weekend, The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville is going to approve a statement on biblical sexuality. It has already been approved by our pastors and lay leadership. Here is what it says, As a member of First Baptist Church, I believe that God creates people in his image as either male or female, and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice. I believe marriage is instituted by God, not government, is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression. Genesis 1:27; 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 This is an uncontroversial statement for any Christian living in any place at any point...

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What is the First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality?

This week on October 9th, 2022, the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, is going to take a really bold and historic step in our culture’s battle with the sexual revolution. A lot of you who listen to this go to First Baptist Church, and a lot of you who listen to this go to other churches across the world, whether you are a part of the ministry of First Baptist Church or whether you just listen to this podcast, I want to talk to you about what our church is doing. I want to talk to you about what your church might do where you are. At First Baptist, we have known for a long time that we are in a sexual revolution that is taking over the society, and as it takes over the society, it is taking no prisoners. The LGBTQ+ agenda is rampant. And it is necessary for churches like...

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Leading Your Small Group in Confession

The Masks We Wear  The year 2020 was an unprecedented time in history when it was socially acceptable (and even mandated!) to walk into a bank with your face (and thus your identity) completely covered with a black mask. Before 2020, such a choice of attire would have led everyone in the bank to suspect that you are a bank robber! But while this was the norm in our culture in the wake of COVID-19, we don’t want this to be the norm in our small groups. What I’m not talking about here is whether we should wear physical masks in our small group meetings. I’m talking about a different kind of mask. A kind of mask that is much easier to slip on without anyone noticing. A kind of mask that has been around and stuck around a lot longer than the cloth variety. A kind of mask that the Pharisees frequented....

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Controversial Conversations

Pastor Heath recently answered controversial questions related to homosexuality, race, marriage, voting, women in the church, and the Catholic church. You can watch the full talk or see the specific question and time stamp below. It is our prayer that these questions and answers help you think more deeply about how the Bible relates to all of life and increases your faith. Why do we have no people of color on staff at our church (except the ministries for foreign groups)? How can we expect to have a diverse congregation when we don’t have a diverse staff? – 10:35 What implications does Deuteronomy 24:3-4 have currently on Christian marriages? – 15:50 Would you say that the Bible, as we have it, is inerrant, or that the “inerrancy of scripture” applies only to the original scripts and mistakes...

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What is a Woman?

During the month of August, I planned on one brain surgery and actually wound up squeezing in two. That meant I was recovering a lot. I was a lot less mobile than I usually am. That lack of mobility meant I watched way more television than I ever watch. I’m sure I watched more TV in August than I will have watched the rest of the year combined by far. One of the things that Lauren and I watched together one evening is a documentary that’s made a big splash out there. It’s called “What is a Woman?” And in the documentary, Matt Walsh travels around the country, and he talks to experts about this transgender world. We’re in this LGBTQ+ world, and you’ve got in the transgender revolution, you’ve got men who want to be women, and you’ve got women who...

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What is the Faithful Educational Option for Christian Parents?

We live in a world where Christians needing to educate their kids have a lot of options. I mean, there are a lot of options, there’s a number of different ways to do it, there’s a number of different combinations of options. But for the purpose of the podcast this week, let’s think in terms of three big categories of options that are available to Christian parents who need to educate their kids. First, there is a public school, then there is a private school, and then there is homeschool. Sometimes there are ways to actually do both, break these up into various combinations and combine a couple of different things, there are hybrid options and that kind of thing. But if we think in terms of public, private, and homeschool, we’ll be thinking of the three big options...

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