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How Should Christians Think About The SBC Report?

The Love of God and the Stench of Sexual Sin On Sunday, May 22, 2022, something that Southern Baptists in particular, and Christians in general, had been waiting for a long time happened. And what that was, was the release of the independent investigation into sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention. What I want to do on the podcast today is just honestly speak to you from my heart about that report. I’ve been very clear in statements to our church at First Baptist and a blog that I wrote that’s available online. I want to be clear here that I rejoice over the release of that report. I think it is good news and a good day. I want to be clear abuse is wrong. Cover-ups of abuse are wrong. Exposure of abuse and exposure of cover-ups are a very good thing. We have been asking...

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God Has Been Merciful to Us: Three Reasons to be Encouraged by the Devastating SBC Report on Sexual Abuse

The SBC Report on Sexual Abuse We have been waiting for months for the Report of the Independent Investigation to detail sexual abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention and the response to that abuse. That report was released yesterday afternoon; I read it with great interest and a broken heart. The report is full of abuse, pain, cover-up, and sin. Every Christian must mourn the shocking mistreatment that so many precious people received at the hands of those charged with their care. The report is long and complex with many details, but at the risk of oversimplification, I want to communicate the report’s findings in one sentence. For years a group of leaders in the Southern Baptist Executive Committee resisted openness, transparency, and protection of sexual abuse victims out of a...

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Do Babies Go to Heaven When They Die?

This week on the podcast, we are talking about one of the most difficult, sensitive, and tender issues we could ever address. It’s the issue of whether or not babies go to heaven when they die. This is so important for all sorts of reasons. Let me mention two reasons why it’s important. National Reason There’s actually a national reason for Christians living in the United States of America why this is such an important question. It has to do with the legality of abortion on demand. As I record this podcast, there is every reason to believe that the Supreme Court of the United States is going to throw the question of the legality of abortion back to the States. That would be a remarkable witness, not a full-blown victory, the fight will continue. But it will be a remarkable...

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Biblical Hospitality: Practices of Grace (Part 2)

Practicing hospitality is a way to share God’s grace and bless others. But practicing hospitality requires just that – practice. If hospitality isn’t part of your thought patterns or family’s regular routines, then knowing where to start or how to do it might feel overwhelming. Biblical hospitality presents two challenges to us. First, hospitality in the Bible is a command. It’s not optional. Almost every instance of the word “hospitality” in the New Testament is connected to an imperative (Cf. Hebrews 13:2, 1 Peter 4:9). Second, hospitality is active. Romans 12:13 says we are to “seek to show hospitality.” We can’t just idly sit around and wait for opportunities for hospitality to come upon us, though they might. We are to be looking out for occasions to open our homes and hearts to others. It’s...

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Why Do We Worship on Sunday’s?

A few weeks ago, on the podcast, I talked about why you need to be at church. Why it’s good to be together, and why it’s good to worship together. But there have been questions asked now about, okay, so if we’re going to come to church, why on Sunday, why is it that Christians gather together for worship on Sunday? I want to respond to those questions that have been asked and explain to you why it is that Christians need not just to worship and not just to worship together but why we need to do that on Sunday. This is something I’ve discovered that a lot of Christians don’t understand. It’s actually something that the pandemic and the culture have changed. We used to live in a culture where everything was closed down on Sunday, and that was, so everybody...

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Biblical Hospitality: Avenues of Grace (Part 1)

In this two-part blog, we’ll first look at what the Bible teaches about what hospitality looks like. The next installment will contain a list of practical helps and tips for engaging in real-life hospitality in your home. Biblical Hospitality It’s a scary word – hospitality. It’s a word that often strikes fear in the hearts of Christians. We’re busy, and our homes can be messy, and – oh no – our kids just drew 13 smiley faces on the wall with permanent marker. “Hospitality” conjures to mind elegant table settings, fanciful three-course dinners, and spotless homes with well-mannered children. But thankfully, that’s not what biblical hospitality has to look like. In a single verse, Paul provides for us a biblical definition of hospitality. In Romans 15:7, he says to “welcome one another as...

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Can I Lose My Salvation?

One of the most frequent questions I get in ministry is the question, can I lose my salvation? It comes in different forms. Some people will ask if their daughter can lose their salvation or if their dad might have lost their salvation. Different people ask the question in different ways, but at the heart of the question in whatever form it comes is, is it possible to lose my salvation? This question is not just a frequent question. It’s also a really tender question. The kind of person who is asking this question has the weight of the world on their shoulders. They know that salvation, in Jesus’s name, is the most important reality in the world, and they want it, or they want it for their precious loved one. And they are afraid that having once possessed it, it is going to go...

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FEAST on the Bible

The Finitude of Feasts For many of us, the celebration of Easter last month would not have been complete without a feast. Savory slices of prime rib and sweet servings of honey-baked hams filled our plates and our stomachs. Gravy-laden mashed potatoes and glazed carrots, and Easter salad rounded off our rejoicing. Elbow to elbow with our closest friends and loved ones, we experienced the joy of pleasing our palates and celebrating the glorious resurrection of our Lord. But inevitably, the delight of a happy palate and a full stomach dwindles. The satisfaction is short-lived. In the end, we are left with a few good memories to relive and a few extra pounds to lose. An Infinite Feast Feasts are wonderful but finite. But what if there was a feast you could participate in every single day that...

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Can Pedophiles Attend Your Church?

I want to talk this week on the podcast about a topic that is as important as it is sensitive, I want to talk about the reality of pedophiles in our churches. This is a massive topic, there are all sorts of things we could talk about. For example, we could talk about how to institute safety measures, safety protocols in your church, to keep the children in your ministry safe from child predators. There is a time and a place to do that. There’s a lot of information available for that there are a lot of best practices available for that. Your church should follow those best practices as mine does. That’s a different topic for a different day. What I want to talk about today, among all the different things that we could talk about, is a more specific question of allowing a pedophile...

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The Joy Set Before Mothers

The sun comes up, and Jenny is at work. My wife rises early to make sure the children are fed, and she goes to sleep late to care for them. The work of cleaning the dishes, picking up toys, changing diapers, instructing hearts, tending to injuries, navigating sibling conflict, and running a home is constant. Every day there is work to be done, and each day brings needs, wants, and demands. My wife is not alone. There are mothers across the world who are hard at work in their homes. It does not matter if the children are six weeks old or sixteen years old; each stage of parenting brings about challenges. The work of motherhood is continual, consistent, and challenging. And it does not make sense to most people. The world does not understand the glory of motherhood. This is because home is...

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