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Author: Heath Lambert

The Hateful Hypocrisy of Militant LGBTQ Activism

Christians Really Do Believe the Bible Let me tell you about the hornets’ nest I kicked over this week. This weekend, The First Baptist Church of Jacksonville is going to approve a statement on biblical sexuality. It has already been approved by our pastors and lay leadership. Here is what it says, As a member of First Baptist Church, I believe that God creates people in his image as either male or female, and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice. I believe marriage is instituted by God, not government, is between one man and one woman, and is the only context for sexual desire and expression. Genesis 1:27; 2:24; Matthew 19:5; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 This is an uncontroversial statement for any Christian living in any place at any point...

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What is the First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality?

This week on October 9th, 2022, the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida, is going to take a really bold and historic step in our culture’s battle with the sexual revolution. A lot of you who listen to this go to First Baptist Church, and a lot of you who listen to this go to other churches across the world, whether you are a part of the ministry of First Baptist Church or whether you just listen to this podcast, I want to talk to you about what our church is doing. I want to talk to you about what your church might do where you are. At First Baptist, we have known for a long time that we are in a sexual revolution that is taking over the society, and as it takes over the society, it is taking no prisoners. The LGBTQ+ agenda is rampant. And it is necessary for churches like...

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Controversial Conversations

Pastor Heath recently answered controversial questions related to homosexuality, race, marriage, voting, women in the church, and the Catholic church. You can watch the full talk or see the specific question and time stamp below. It is our prayer that these questions and answers help you think more deeply about how the Bible relates to all of life and increases your faith. Why do we have no people of color on staff at our church (except the ministries for foreign groups)? How can we expect to have a diverse congregation when we don’t have a diverse staff? – 10:35 What implications does Deuteronomy 24:3-4 have currently on Christian marriages? – 15:50 Would you say that the Bible, as we have it, is inerrant, or that the “inerrancy of scripture” applies only to the original scripts and mistakes...

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What is a Woman?

During the month of August, I planned on one brain surgery and actually wound up squeezing in two. That meant I was recovering a lot. I was a lot less mobile than I usually am. That lack of mobility meant I watched way more television than I ever watch. I’m sure I watched more TV in August than I will have watched the rest of the year combined by far. One of the things that Lauren and I watched together one evening is a documentary that’s made a big splash out there. It’s called “What is a Woman?” And in the documentary, Matt Walsh travels around the country, and he talks to experts about this transgender world. We’re in this LGBTQ+ world, and you’ve got in the transgender revolution, you’ve got men who want to be women, and you’ve got women who...

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What is the Faithful Educational Option for Christian Parents?

We live in a world where Christians needing to educate their kids have a lot of options. I mean, there are a lot of options, there’s a number of different ways to do it, there’s a number of different combinations of options. But for the purpose of the podcast this week, let’s think in terms of three big categories of options that are available to Christian parents who need to educate their kids. First, there is a public school, then there is a private school, and then there is homeschool. Sometimes there are ways to actually do both, break these up into various combinations and combine a couple of different things, there are hybrid options and that kind of thing. But if we think in terms of public, private, and homeschool, we’ll be thinking of the three big options...

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Should Christians Attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

Everybody asks me about whether they should attend a same-sex wedding. This is just one of the most overwhelmingly common questions I get asked these days. And you need to know that most of the time when I am asked the question, it is not as a disconnected and academic question. Let me ask you something, Pastor, what do you think? What do you think as a matter of policy about whether a Christian should go to a same-sex wedding? It’s not asked and that sort of disconnected, dispassionate way. It’s asked in a really personal and painful way. What do you think, my niece is getting married to another woman and they want me to go, should I? Or my son is getting married to another man, and he wants me to come. What do you think? These are personal and painful questions about whether...

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In Praise of Nurses

For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:13 Hard Nights in the Hospital When it comes to hospital stays, I’m now something of an expert. Since the fall of 2020, I’ve spent roughly 15 nights in the hospital. That is not as much time as some have spent in the hospital, but it is more than most. For me, 15 nights means I’ve spent more time in the hospital than I have in hotels, visiting relatives, or having sleepovers with my kids. Those 15 nights were the hardest and most uncomfortable ones I’ve ever spent on planet earth. Most of them were in the Neuro-ICU. You don’t get in there unless you need a lot of help. Your brain is fragile, you need constant monitoring, you require powerful medication, you can’t get...

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Does God Care About My Golf Swing?

At First Baptist, there are several families who recently have been concerned that I was working too hard and not getting enough rest and relaxation. Some of those families came together here not too long ago, and they bought me a set of golf clubs. They knew back in the day, before I was a pastor and a dad, I used to like to play golf, but I gave that up for fatherhood and for ministry. But in their concern that I was not resting enough and needed more time to decompress, they came together, and they got me this incredibly generous gift. They have been faithful to reach out at some intervals, you know, every month or so, to see that I’ve got some people to go play golf with. It has been a wonderful experience, mostly because I love these men, and I love their families. And I’m...

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A Health Update

Dear First Baptist Family, You have been so faithful to pray, and I wanted to write and let you know the latest update after the appointment with my neurosurgery team this morning. First of all, I want you to know that I feel good. In fact, as I write to you now, I feel as good as I have felt since August 4. I haven’t taken any pain medication, and my constant dizziness and disorientation has become a much more tolerable light-headed, sort of swimmy feeling. That improvement allows me to walk confidently and without help, even if a bit slower than usual. To add to that good news, I also got a good report at my visit. Everyone is happy with the way I am progressing and healing up. They did decide to leave the stitches in the back of my head for at least another week. They also are continuing...

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Is There Blessing in Suffering?

All right, you are listening to this podcast in the last week of August. I am recording this podcast near the end of July, anticipating my recovery from my third brain surgery for a compressed nerve in my brain. I don’t know, as I record this, exactly what shape I’m in as you’re listening to this in the fourth week of August. But after two brain surgeries on this same exact nerve, I kind of have a sense that no recovery has been exactly the same. They’ve each been a little bit different. I suspect that this third one will be the case. But with what I know from the previous brain surgeries is that by this fourth week, I’m starting to get back to normal. I’m scheduled right now in July to be returning to a full ministry schedule at the first of September....

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