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Is the Death Penalty Biblical?

Is the death penalty biblical? Let me begin by saying that a lot of people wouldn’t ask the question that way. A lot of people don’t care what the Bible says. A lot of people who have a stake in the death penalty don’t care what Scripture reveals. So some people would say, well, is the death penalty just? Or is the death penalty a good idea? But from a Christian perspective, we have to say that what is a good idea, what is just, and what is righteous is what is commanded by God in the Bible. If we can answer whether the death penalty is biblical, then we will be answering whether the death penalty is righteous or a good idea. So is the death penalty biblical? The question comes because everybody realizes what a momentous decision it is to take away someone’s life....

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Connecting Parents to Students

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6 The Bible is clear that our goal as parents should be to raise our kids in such a way that they will be lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ. It is a simple goal that we should all easily agree with. The reality is that parenting is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Parenting can feel like a roller coaster. There will be times that you wonder if you and your teenager are even speaking the same language! Summer is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with your student. There is more time for you to spend intentional time with your students, so here are some tips on how you can better connect with them. What I hope to do in this post is give you a few practical ideas that...

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Is Online Church Real Church?

Ever since the spring of 2020, we have witnessed a phenomenon of people who have retreated to their homes. Even though they come out to do their grocery shopping, play golf, and have dinner with friends and all the rest, we’re still dealing with hundreds of thousands, millions of Christians all over the world who have not returned to church. Now, there is a time and a place to talk about that larger phenomenon. I’ve actually done that on other episodes of Marked by Grace. But this week, I want to talk about the people who have not returned to church, not because they’re unbelievers, not because they were only doing it because they had to before COVID. But I’m talking about the people who’ve decided that they are going to do online church. And the question this...

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An Update from Pastor Heath

Dear First Baptist Family, Today is the very first day I have actually felt like much and have been clear-headed and medication-free enough to feel I could communicate reliably. Even though the intense nature of the surgery makes progress hard to judge in the early days and weeks, I am encouraged about where I am. To update you, I’ll first share the most encouraging pieces of information and then pass along some areas where I would love your continued prayers. I am encouraged that, in the grand scheme of things, I am healing rather quickly. Though my neurosurgeon warned that I should prepare for a longer time in the hospital to recover, I actually experienced a relatively short hospitalization. I am experiencing none of the nerve pain that I was before surgery and hardly any surgery pain....

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How Do I Forgive Myself?

I was just speaking with a wonderful woman, a dear and precious Christian lady whom I got to meet in the context of a pastoral crisis. The crisis was this woman was guilty of adultery. The adultery happened years ago. Her husband found out about it, and she confessed it. And they began a process of restoration and reconciliation. God was gracious and kind, their marriage was saved, and their marriage became stronger than it had ever been. It was a wonderful success story. But the woman approached me because she was feeling horrible. She was feeling terrible. We had concluded counseling at this point, we had concluded the restoration process, and things were going well, as I said, but she is feeling terrible. And she came up to me, and she said, Pastor, I’m so thankful for all the good...

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Five Ways to Love with Our Words

Our tongue is an amazing piece of God’s creative handiwork in our bodies! In one sense, it is an anatomical anomaly. The tongue is the only body part that contains muscles that are not attached to a bone at both ends. Unlike your biceps, which are attached to your elbow and shoulder joints, the tongue is an intertwined matrix of muscles that pull on each other, giving it the flexibility to twist and turn into a seemingly endless array of shapes and sizes. It also possesses tremendous stamina as it works tirelessly throughout the day in the activities of talking, eating, and removing food from your teeth. I mean, when was the last time you said, “Boy, my tongue is tired,” or “Man, my tongue muscles are sore!” Probably never.   But not only is the tongue an intricate mass of muscles,...

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Should I Believe Online Accusations?

A while back, I was at a gathering of pastors from all across the country. This gathering of pastors was a very mixed bag. There were pastors in that room that are famous. You know their names and have heard of their ministries. There were other pastors in that room that you’ve never heard of. They’re just serving faithfully in their congregations in their local context. And one of the things that I noticed after that time together with those pastors is that every single pastor that I had a conversation with every single one lamented. Some were in tears. Many were brokenhearted. But every single one lamented that in the last year, there had been some attempt to destroy their lives and their ministries with lies told about them online, maybe on a social media platform, maybe on...

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Trusting God with The I-Don’t-Knows

On Sunday, I announced my need for a fifth brain surgery and thought the operation was weeks away. On Tuesday, my doctor said he wanted to do the surgery today—Friday. That surprise is a reminder that so much of life is found in all we do not know. The I-Don’t-Knows of Life Life happens in a flash of the immediate present. Once that flash is complete, it instantly becomes the past. Our knowledge of those past moments comes only after the fact. Our future moments are everything beyond the present flash of lived experience. We never know what those moments will bring. Sometimes we have good guesses about what the future holds. But guesses are not facts, and likelihoods are not certainties. There are never guarantees about what is coming. When we try to look ahead beyond the immediate flash...

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Caring for Broken Marriages at First Baptist

When a medical emergency occurs, there are many types of systems and levels of care that have been developed to help. You can call 911, and an ambulance can come, and there is a trained EMT onboard. Another option would be to drive to the emergency room and trained ER docs and nurses are there to help. The Urgent Care facility in your area of town is also available to care for your needs. Doctors, nurses, paramedics, imaging technicians, and pharmacists have varying areas of expertise to help when there is a need. We are grateful for all of these options. Here at First Baptist Church, we have also developed various types of care systems, both for immediate and preventative care for those experiencing brokenness in life in general and in marriage in particular. We have done this so we can...

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How To Leave Your Church

Last week on Marked by Grace, we talked about when to leave your church, and we talked about how to process the decision about whether or not it is time to find a new community of believers. This week, I want to follow up on that conversation and not talk about when to leave your church, but talk about how to leave your church. It is possible to do the right thing in the wrong way. That is, it is possible to come to a clear decision that it is time to go to another church and then for you to leave in a way that is bad in a way that is harmful in a way that is damaging. The Lord may lead you to another church at some point. If he is, then that same Lord will be leading you to leave that church in the right way. Then as you’re processing how to leave a church, when you think it’s...

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