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Author: Heath Lambert

Women Pastors and The Future of The Southern Baptist Convention

One of the kindest gifts of God to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has been the leadership we have enjoyed from some of the finest preachers in America. Those leaders have never been perfect but have always been characterized by faithfulness to the Word of God. These days Southern Baptists are witnessing a display of faithlessness from one of our most influential leaders, America’s pastor, Rick Warren. In recent years Pastor Rick has led his church in calling women to the pastoral office. Because this practice is a clear violation of Scripture and The Baptist Faith and Message (BFM), the SBC has taken steps to remove his church from the convention. Pastor Rick’s church has the freedom to hire anyone they like. The SBC has similar freedom to affiliate with anyone they like. Pastor Rick...

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Disagreeing and The Future of The Southern Baptist Convention

In the weeks ahead, I’m going to engage the big problems everyone is discussing in advance of New Orleans. Before that, I want to engage a problem at the root of these difficulties that many are missing. The Nature of Disagreements The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is disagreeing on a lot right now. It is not the end of the world to disagree, especially when those disagreements are important. Most disagreements become a problem, however, when you mistreat each other in the disagreement. Southern Baptists are mistreating each other in our disagreements. I am regularly shocked by how toxic our discourse is. We take swipes at each other on Twitter, question integrity, judge motives, talk badly about one another in our committee meetings, publicly demean when we should privately discuss,...

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What If My Son Wants to Dress Like a Girl?

What if my son wants to dress like a girl? That’s the question that I’m going to tackle this week on the podcast. The reality is, as I answer that question, it’s actually only one manifestation of a parental difficulty that could come out in all sorts of ways. You might ask the question differently. You might say, what if my daughter wants to dress like a boy? You might say, what if my little girl wants to play with boys’ toys? Or if my little boy wants to play with girls’ toys? There are all sorts of things going on here in the parental realm that could make a question like this manifest itself, but just for simplicity’s sake, we’re going to go with what if my son wants to dress like a girl? We need to say that answering this question in 2023 is...

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The Future of the Southern Baptist Convention

A Southern Baptist Meltdown Right now, Southern Baptists are in the midst of a veritable smorgasbord of near chaos. Whether the issue is the rejection by the executive committee of the search team’s candidate to lead that entity, the highly unusual development that our incumbent president will face an opponent for reelection, the opposition of an influential pastor to The Baptist Faith and Message (BFM), or our lack of clarity on how to proceed on sexual abuse, the convention is facing all manner of serious problems. We are in the gyrations of a full Southern Baptist meltdown. What Is Really Going on The conservative resurgence has defined Southern Baptist life for over thirty years. That powerful force created leadership and stability in convention life for a generation. During that resurgent...

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An Important Update on Health and Ministry

Dear First Baptist Family, I am writing to give you an important update on my health and ministry. I’ll start with my health. After surgery number five, there are a lot of reasons to be encouraged. I have not experienced any nerve pain since awakening from surgery, and my spasms have improved every day. These are the best signs available that the surgery was successful. It will take time to determine whether new scar tissue will replace what they removed, but prayer is the only thing we can do about that, and that is the very best thing. I have been feeling really good for about the last week. I only needed to meet with my surgeon to get my staples and stitches removed, to be taken off antibiotics, and to be cleared to return to normal life. That all happened this morning. My surgeon is...

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Is the Death Penalty Biblical?

Is the death penalty biblical? Let me begin by saying that a lot of people wouldn’t ask the question that way. A lot of people don’t care what the Bible says. A lot of people who have a stake in the death penalty don’t care what Scripture reveals. So some people would say, well, is the death penalty just? Or is the death penalty a good idea? But from a Christian perspective, we have to say that what is a good idea, what is just, and what is righteous is what is commanded by God in the Bible. If we can answer whether the death penalty is biblical, then we will be answering whether the death penalty is righteous or a good idea. So is the death penalty biblical? The question comes because everybody realizes what a momentous decision it is to take away someone’s life....

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Is Online Church Real Church?

Ever since the spring of 2020, we have witnessed a phenomenon of people who have retreated to their homes. Even though they come out to do their grocery shopping, play golf, and have dinner with friends and all the rest, we’re still dealing with hundreds of thousands, millions of Christians all over the world who have not returned to church. Now, there is a time and a place to talk about that larger phenomenon. I’ve actually done that on other episodes of Marked by Grace. But this week, I want to talk about the people who have not returned to church, not because they’re unbelievers, not because they were only doing it because they had to before COVID. But I’m talking about the people who’ve decided that they are going to do online church. And the question this...

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An Update from Pastor Heath

Dear First Baptist Family, Today is the very first day I have actually felt like much and have been clear-headed and medication-free enough to feel I could communicate reliably. Even though the intense nature of the surgery makes progress hard to judge in the early days and weeks, I am encouraged about where I am. To update you, I’ll first share the most encouraging pieces of information and then pass along some areas where I would love your continued prayers. I am encouraged that, in the grand scheme of things, I am healing rather quickly. Though my neurosurgeon warned that I should prepare for a longer time in the hospital to recover, I actually experienced a relatively short hospitalization. I am experiencing none of the nerve pain that I was before surgery and hardly any surgery pain....

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How Do I Forgive Myself?

I was just speaking with a wonderful woman, a dear and precious Christian lady whom I got to meet in the context of a pastoral crisis. The crisis was this woman was guilty of adultery. The adultery happened years ago. Her husband found out about it, and she confessed it. And they began a process of restoration and reconciliation. God was gracious and kind, their marriage was saved, and their marriage became stronger than it had ever been. It was a wonderful success story. But the woman approached me because she was feeling horrible. She was feeling terrible. We had concluded counseling at this point, we had concluded the restoration process, and things were going well, as I said, but she is feeling terrible. And she came up to me, and she said, Pastor, I’m so thankful for all the good...

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Should I Believe Online Accusations?

A while back, I was at a gathering of pastors from all across the country. This gathering of pastors was a very mixed bag. There were pastors in that room that are famous. You know their names and have heard of their ministries. There were other pastors in that room that you’ve never heard of. They’re just serving faithfully in their congregations in their local context. And one of the things that I noticed after that time together with those pastors is that every single pastor that I had a conversation with every single one lamented. Some were in tears. Many were brokenhearted. But every single one lamented that in the last year, there had been some attempt to destroy their lives and their ministries with lies told about them online, maybe on a social media platform, maybe on...

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