My Endorsement for SBC President
The Way Leadership Works
When God does a great work, he raises up a great leader. This is an obvious fact of Scripture. When God delivered his people from Egypt, he raised up Moses. When God wanted to rebuild his temple and Jerusalem, he raised up Ezra and Nehemiah. When God wanted to preach salvation to the Gentiles, he raised up Paul. Examples could be multiplied with David, Gideon, Elijah, Peter, John, and Jesus himself.
What is true in Scripture is also true in Church history. Whenever God has given revival, he has given an Edwards, a Whitfield, a Wesley, a Spurgeon, or a Graham.
A rule of redemptive history is that when God’s people are floundering, they are absent a leader.
And Southern Baptists are floundering.
A Leadership Problem
One of the reasons Southern Baptists have been able...