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Should Christians Cuss?

I grew up with a lot of my family members feeling very comfortable using cuss words. It wasn’t everybody, but it was a commonality in my family, with many of my relatives deploying cuss words left and right. It was a very common occurrence. I heard them all the time growing up. I was not very old at all when I knew what all of the cuss words were, including the worst ones. I think that’s a common approach to cussing that it’s just great. It’s a normal way to speak. It’s a great way to speak. It emphasizes what we want to speak about on the other end of the continuum. There are people who view cussing as very, very bad. You’re never supposed to cuss. This is not something you’re ever supposed to do. And somewhere in the very broad middle is where...

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Death Hath Confronted Us

In the last week, I have had two significant conversations about death. A friend suddenly lost his wife from Covid as he was in the hospital recovering from his own case. As we visited, we discussed the truths of 1 Corinthians 15. We cried. We reminisced. We talked about the importance of family, and we hugged. Most importantly I prayed for my friend as he grieved and appealed to Yahweh to comfort him. We thanked the Lord for the hope we have for eternity. Then came one of the most difficult conversations of my life. A friend was dying of cancer and asked to speak with me. In the past, I have been with people when they passed into eternity (and right after) but rarely have I talked with people who knew time on the earthly side was very limited. We cried. I helped him and his wife write some...

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Was Will Smith Wrong?

On Sunday, March 27, the 94th annual Academy Awards were held, and everybody is talking about it. As long as I’ve been alive, everybody has been talking about the Academy Awards the week after they were held, but usually, we’re talking about the dresses the actresses were wearing, who won what awards, and all of those kinds of things. But this week, this year, we are talking about an act of violence that happened at the Academy Awards. By now, you know the story. Will Smith took to the stage and smacked Chris Rock right in the face after Chris Rock had made a joke about Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, for having her hair cut short to her scalp, which is apparently a decision that Mrs. Smith made after struggling with alopecia. Apparently, Chris Rock didn’t...

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Praying Without Ceasing

Most Christians know that 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says that we are supposed to “pray without ceasing.” But how are we supposed to start a prayer that never ends? Don’t we have to live life in a way that requires us to say “amen,” then get up and go do the stuff we have been praying about? Recently I have begun to think more seriously about what it means to lead a life of ceaseless prayer. While I believe some aspects of this kind of life will always be “under construction,” I also have begun to delight in how this pursuit can change everything about how we live—in the most beautiful ways! I remember as a child watching the old Batman series with Adam West. Commissioner Gordon had this special hotline to Batman on a pedestal under a glass cover in his office. It was called the Batphone, and...

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Should Christians Drink?

Two Sides Alcohol is a very complicated subject for Christians. The reality is that there is a division today among really faithful Christians about what our attitude and our behavior ought to be towards alcohol. On the one side, there are people who like to drink. They want to drink alcohol, and one of the things they do is point to passages in the Bible like John 2, where Jesus Christ, the Son of God, takes 150 gallons of water and by a glorious display of his sovereign power as the Son of God, he turns the molecular structure of the water into the molecular structure of wine. The text in John 2 is clear that it is not just any kind of wine. It is really, really good wine. It is the really good wine that has been provided for the people at the party after they have already been drinking...

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Knowing God More!

We used to sing the following words of a worship song written by Steve Green many years ago: Oh, I want to know you more Deep within my soul, I want to know you Oh, I want to know you… During the heyday of the worship renewal movement, words like this seemed fresh and intimate when they arrived on the scene. They described a deep desire that lay beneath the surface of one’s life. But for those paying close attention, this type of language demonstrated a depth of desire that could easily be neglected, if not a complete lie. It is discouraging to be capable of singing such wonderful sentiments with our mouths that are not true of our heart’s actual desire. The Bible indicates there are two types of knowledge of God. There is a head knowledge (James 2:19 – even the demons believe the facts)...

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Should I Get a Tattoo?

Should you get a tattoo? There are millions of people who already have tattoos. Some people are covered with tattoos. Some people have one small special tattoo in a place that commemorates a special event, or that means something important to them. The millions of people that have tattoos might only be matched by the millions of people who want them and are thinking about them. I want to talk to you today if you’re thinking about getting a tattoo and if you are concerned about what the Bible has to say about it. Of course, by the time you’re a Christian, the most important consideration for you would be what God thinks about getting a tattoo, and you only know what God thinks about getting a tattoo by what God says in his Word, the Bible. What Does the Bible Say About Tattoos? There...

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SBC Survival Guide | Part 5: Hope

The previous posts in this SBC Survival Series on abuse, the ERLC, the Baptist Faith and Message, and race might all seem a little discouraging. Emphasizing all we must overcome might seem overwhelming. It is true that we have much to overcome in the serious problems we are facing as a convention. The problems are not overwhelming, however. Our Hope in Times of Hardship You begin to see that the problems are not overwhelming when you notice a common thread in each of the issues I addressed. Overcoming our division on the issue of abuse requires setting aside our efforts at personal kingdom-building to focus on preaching Jesus to abused people. Division regarding politics can only be overcome as we focus on Jesus more than partisan political bickering. We must preserve our commitment to Jesus...

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Should I Spank My Kids?

Easily one of the most common questions I am asked all the time in ministry is the question that comes from parents, “Should I spank my kids?” They ask the question because they want to be faithful. They want to be good parents. They ask the question because, wanting to be good parents, they know that spanking is controversial out there in the world. And they know that spanking is hard inside the home. Any parent who loves their kids wants to be careful before they do anything that would make their kids sad or would make them cry. And so, this question, should I spank my kids, is one that just comes up again and again and again. I want to address this problem by first saying that there are 100 million things to say about this that I’m not going to be able to say. And so, we can save...

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SBC Survival Guide | Part 4: Race

Divisions Over Race Division over the issue of race is one of the greatest threats to unity in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). This breaks my heart. Some of that heartbreak goes back to something I learned from my mom in childhood. Before my mother became a Christian, she would never have been confused with a virtuous woman, but with all her faults she was never a racist. My mom won scorn and lost friends when she invited an African American woman to join her and several other women at a party in our home in Kentucky. Several of the women were embarrassed, some of them left, and all of them talked about it. My mom knew it would happen and did not care. She loved her friend and thought the fault was with the women who were wrongly offended. That example always meant a lot to me. It...

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