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Frequently Asked Questions


How long is a normal session?

Please plan on 60-90 minutes for your session. Some sessions may be shorter or longer, but this is an average time frame.

What is the normal length of counseling? (how many times should I expect to see the counselor?)

This depends on the reason you are coming in for counseling. Our goal is not to make you dependent on the counselor but lead you to personally understand and apply God’s Word to every area of your life and so you can then also help others.

Why do I have to fill out and return an application before scheduling an appointment?

The application provides vital information so we know which counselor will be the best one to meet with you. It also eliminates the first session from being only a gathering information time.

Is there a cost for counseling?

There is no cost for counseling, but you may be asked to purchase books or other resources as part of your homework assignments between sessions.  The cost is usually no more than $25 per person.

Is childcare available?

No. Because of the wide ranges in children’s ages and timing of appointments, at this time we cannot provide childcare.

May we request which counselor we would like to see?

Because of the number of requests for counseling we receive, counselees may not select which counselor they see. Please be assured though that everyone who does counseling at First Counseling is equipped to provide the biblical counseling that is needed.

Why is homework assigned?

This allows you to every day apply the biblical truths that your counselor has shown you in your session. It could be compared to going to physical therapy. Just as your physical therapist gives you exercises to do at home in between your visits because the exercises reinforce the therapy, your homework from your counselor will also reinforce the biblical truths from your session.

What if I need to cancel a session?

We understand that circumstances may arise which prevent you from keeping your appointment. We appreciate being notified as soon as possible by phone (904.366.1237) or email (counselingministry@fbcjax.com).

Why are non-members asked to bring an “advocate” with them to the session?

Advocates are of great benefit to those who are receiving counseling. Because the Bible tells us to be dedicated to a local church body, it is our desire to help others by fostering care within their specific community of which they are in covenant membership.  Galatians 6:2 tells us to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Your advocate is someone who will be able to help you bear your burdens and be a good accountability partner for you. 

What is the difference between biblical counseling and Christian counseling?

Biblical counseling is done by a Christian who believes in the sufficiency of Scripture and the truth of 2 Peter 1:3: “God’s divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness.” While Christian counseling is also done by a Christian, the counselor often integrates secular ideas and values. The danger in doing this is when those ideas and values come first or are in direct contradiction to the Word of God but are still followed.