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Reaching all of Nocatee
with all of Jesus for all of life.


First Baptist Church Jacksonville at Nocatee has an extraordinary opportunity.

We are a growing church full of growing people in one of the fastest growing communities in the country. 

In response to this opportunity, the Nocatee Campus will take the bold step of growing our facility to reach the communities of Nocatee and Saint Johns County for decades to come. We believe that God wants every person in our church to participate in this opportunity for ministry in our community. 

Explore the information below to learn more about the exciting plans for our campus to grow.

Spencer Harmon, Nocatee Campus Pastor 


  1. St. Johns is the fourth fastest-growing county in Florida, and Nocatee was named the #1 place to live in Florida by Newsweek in 2024.
  2. In 2024, FBC Nocatee averages 5 first-time guests per week!
  3. The FBC Nocatee Student Ministry has seen a 30% increase from last year.
  4. Our Adult Sunday school attendance has increased by 25% in 2024, and our Midweek attendance has increased by 24% since last year.
  •  Sunday School attendance percentage increase from last year: 25%
  • Attendance of 55+ percentage increase from last year : Almost 40% 
  • 6 Upward Sports Leagues with 215 total athletes, 736 family members on campus, 951 total est. for 2024 on campus
  • Over 12 Community groups use our facilities
  • Over 800 Children heard the gospel at Glow Camp
  • Over 20 community events inviting others to know Christ

The Kingdom is growing, and nothing will stop it (Matthew 18:16). Our church is simply one small part of God’s plan to spread his glory across the world. This is why we are committed to reaching all of Nocatee with all of Jesus for all of life.

    The Grow Campaign

    The Story of God’s Faithfulness at Nocatee


    We invite you to join us in dependent prayer for this vision.

    Pray that God would give our church a renewed passion to reach all of Jacksonville with all of Jesus for all of life. Matthew 28:19-20 

    Pray that God would miraculously provide the funds to pay for our building, making us sacrificially generous people. 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

    Pray that God would grow us in our commitment to our local church as people who worship, grow, serve, share, and give. Ephesians 2:19-21 

    Pray that God would give us unusual favor with our community – that we would have a reputation as those with a real love for Jesus and genuine care for people. Colossians 4:5-6

    Pray that God would protect the unity of our church as we move into a season of transition and growth. Ephesians 4:1-3

    Pray that God would use the season of the Grow Campaign to revive the members of our church in their commitment to our church, to prayer, and to generosity. Acts 2:42


    Join us in this Kingdom work! We are a growing church, full of growing people, right in the middle of a growing community. We believe that God is calling us to take the bold step of growing our facility now to reach Nocatee for decades to come.