First Thoughts
Book Release: A Call to Clarity
The contemporary biblical counseling movement is facing days of significant challenges. Many voices with confused misunderstandings of biblical truth are seeking to redefine biblical counseling. They are attempting to blur the clear lines between approaches to counseling care that are uniquely biblical and those that are fundamentally secular. Nothing less than the faithfulness of the biblical counseling movement is at stake.
In these confusing days, the authors in this volume believe it is time to be clear about what is going on and what is at stake. A Call to Clarity evaluates the arguments of The New Integrationists, reaffirms key theological doctrines undergirding all faithful counseling, and calls all counselors to a vision of counseling care founded on the sufficiency of God’s Word.
You can now order a physical copy of the book on Amazon.
Chapter contents and authors include the following:
Chapter 1: Priests in the Garden, Zombies in the Wilderness, and Prophets on the Wall
Dr. Heath Lambert is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida. He is a Fellow with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC) and is the author of several books, including The Great Love of God, A Theology of Biblical Counseling, and Finally Free.
Chapter 2: Psychological Charlatans and Common Grace
Austin Collins is the serve pastor at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida. He is a member of ACBC with specializations in addictions, reconciliation, and marriage and family.
Chapter 3: Conveying God’s Love, Wisdom, and Power through Biblical Language
Dr. Mark Shaw is the pastor of counseling at the Nocatee Campus of the First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida. He is a member of ACBC and is the author of The Heart of Addiction.
Chapter 4: Mislabeling Counseling and the Great Commission
Dr. Sean Perron serves as the Associate Pastor and is an ACBC certified counselor with a specialization in marriage counseling. He is the co-author of three books: Letters to a Romantic: On Dating, Letters to a Romantic: On Engagement, and Letters to a Romantic: The First Years. He and his wife have also written Should I Take the Pill?: Providing Biblical Counsel on Birth Control and Contraceptives. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Theology with an emphasis in Biblical Counseling from Midwestern Theological Seminary.
Chapter 5: The Misguided Hope of Mental Health
Dr. Ryan Trzeciak is the pastor of counseling and discipleship at First Baptist Church of Jacksonville, Florida where he also oversees men’s ministry. He is a member of ACBC.
Chapter 6: Six Crucial Confusions of the New Integrationists
Sean Perron (Ph.D. in Applied Theology from Midwestern Seminary and M.Div., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as the Associate Pastor. He is the co-author of three books: Letters to a Romantic: On Dating, Letters to a Romantic: On Marriage, and Letters to a Romantic: The First Years.
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